Which Famous Artist Are You?

  1. How do you like to spend your weekends?

    (Select all that apply)

    Listen to live music
    Enjoy a local brew
    Fill time capsules wtih random artifacts (such as mummified Ancient Egyptian feet) to be discovered in the future
    Play Settlers of Catan
    None of these things/ I don't live in Missoula

  2. Have you ever driven a car full of cauliflower?

    If yes, please upload photo evidence (jpeg):

  3. If you needed a fixative, what would you most likely do?

  4. Did you include bits of your cigarettes in your painting?:

  5. You want to improve your representation of the human figure, so you:

    Go to the Fox Club
    Join a figure drawing class
    Spy on your neighbors
    Draw the dead bodies you are privately disecting

  6. Great, now let's send you the results!

    Get Your Results!